- I keep on collecting information that will ensure the well-being of my baby. I read a lot about baby’s development through my psychology books and magazines (I like Smart Parenting) and I’m starting to get serious in gaining knowledge on investments, savings, and businesses.
- I’m striving for better time management. I am forced to manage my days in a whole new way. I simply can’t focus only on the things I want to do. When I’m home my sched depends on abbie’s activities.
- I believe once again in the things I believed in as a child.
- I’ve seen great wonder in a simple smile! (When abbie smiles, everything lightens up instantly!)
- My heart breaks much more easily. I am more sensitive and sentimental.
- Every day is a surprise… baby’s development has never been this up close and awe inspiring.
- I fell all the more in love with cameras and photos! I love collecting memories through pics!
- I know for sure that true joy doesn't come from getting what I want and buying what I like. It’s the loving sacrifice that gives me a sense of deep fulfillment and joy!
- I’d rather buy baby stuff than those shoes, bags or clothes that I’ve been dying to have.
- I don't mind staying home on weekends! No trade offs when it comes to time and attention I give to my family.
- I realize that the excess weight and baby belly I can't seem to get rid of are totally worth having.
- Our dog patsy patutu - who used to be our “baby” — becomes just a dog.
- I take the time for one more hug and kiss even if it means I'll be late or even super super late.
- I see the world through someone else’s eyes
- I could spend hours…long hours in baby sections of shopping malls. And buying something for abbie gives me superb satisfaction.