This is my personal list of gut-level, nitty-gritty decisions for my life.
- I’ll have more quite times of solitude, prayer and reflection.
- I’ll be faithful in writing my journal.
- I’ll read books and listen to audio talks about spirituality and family
- I’ll keep in touch with my friends regularly.
- I’ll have regular dates with family and friends.
- I’ll continue my regular exercise, dance class and add some more crunches
- I’ll drink my milk at least three times a week
- I’ll take my vitamins everyday
- I’ll drink 8 glasses of water everyday
- I’ll take long, deep breaths at different times during the day
- I’ll laugh more often
- I’ll lengthen my patience and think twice before saying a word
- I’ll have more romantic dates with my husband
- I’ll be more vocal about how wonderful he is
- I’ll visit papa and mama at least once a week
- I’ll schedule mini-vacations with family and friends
- I’ll consistently be on top of our finances. Everything will be accounted and measured. Because what one diligently measures grows!
- I’ll continue to share money to the Lord’s work
- I’ll be extra sweeter to my hubby everyday
- I’ll improve my work in the office.
- I’ll watch the preacher in blue jeans daily episode.
- I’ll eat more veggies and fruits and lessen beef and pork
- I’ll focus on nourishing my relationship with my one great love – bil
- I’ll live my life the way I want to live it!
My Gut Level Decisions
(inspired by the preacher in blue jeans)