I still have no idea what it really means to be a mother. All I know right now is that we are expecting a new member of the family, a bundle of joy in the coming days! I feel the strong movements of our baby abbie. Truly there is life within and this miracle of life is about to unfold. Questions enter my mind – how would I know if it is TIME already? How painful labor pains are? Will I be good in pushing, how brave can I get to go through all these? How is it like seeing and feeling her the first time? How does a mother feel when she finally gets hold of her baby? What kind of a mother would I be?
After 9 months of taking care of my health, watching what I eat and drink, taking vitamins, doing things extra carefully, etc. – the fruit of hardwork and sacrifice is finally here – it will be made visible and real soon!
Maybe after writing this, a lot of things are bound to change. I may not have time to be by myself – writing, reading, doing the things that I like, because I will surely be a busy mom. I will be devoting my time to my baby. By that time I will truly understand what selflessness means. I may see things in a different light but whatever change may take place, I’m certain of one thing – motherhood always makes a woman better than ever!
With prayer and trust in Jesus, all the things that bother me will dissipate. The things that I hope for shall unfold and everything shall fall in its proper place. Whatever I’m going through is part of God’s plan for me and Billie. This alone gives me an assurance that I will be able to pull through.
I will have a safe and happy delivery and I’m on my way to becoming a super mommy!